AIER Library Use Policy

  1. AIER Library’s primary purpose is to support the teaching, research, and intellectual activities of AIER staff, scholars, and visitors who are accredited researchers in the field of economic studies or other social sciences and humanitarian studies. All other visitors will be considered on a case-by-case basis consistent with our Mission. Visitor access is by appointment only. Appointments may be made to visit our facility between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm on Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
  2. Prior to arrival, researchers must register for an appointment to use the AIER library by contacting our librarian Suzanne Hermann. Walk-in visitation without an appointment is not permitted.
  3. All items at the AIER library are limited to on-site use only. Books, print materials, and archival materials in our collections may not be checked out or removed from the library building. AIER reserves the right to inspect any bags, backpacks, notebooks, binders, computers, or similar items on departure from our facility.
  4. Library visitors are expected to exercise the greatest of care when handling books and other print materials in the AIER library. This expectation includes, but is not limited to, rare items in our catalog, such as the Museum of American Finance collection. After use, please return books and other print material in the designated area for reshelving.
  5. Library visitors are permitted to use laptop computers, tablets, and digital cameras for the reproduction of documents in conjunction with their research. Library visitors are responsible for compliance with all applicable federal and state laws governing reproduction of materials, and are solely responsible for any infringement of copyright laws resulting from use of materials in the AIER library.
  6. The AIER library is housed in a working office building. Library visitors are asked to be respectful of all AIER and AIS employees, interns, visiting fellows, and other researchers while using our facilities. Please abstain from loud noises, disruptive behavior, and the interruption of employees and other visitors as they are going about their normal duties and activities. Violators of these rules will be asked to leave the premises.
  7. Approved visitor access to AIER’s facilities is strictly limited to the library only, located on the first floor of our office building. Visitor access to other areas of the AIER campus is not allowed, except under direct supervision and approval by AIER staff. Library visitors are not permitted in the living and workspace areas of the campus, including but not limited to the AIS office space on the first floor, the Stone House, guest cottages, gate house, tea house, annex building, or the on-site dining and recreation facilities.
  8. Please direct all research inquiries while on site at AIER to the office of the librarian.

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