Monetary Economics

Monetary Economics Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary…

Monetary Economics

Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary alternatives and financial regulation.

Research Publications for Monetary Economics

General Institutional Considerations of Blockchain and Emerging Applications

PC Earle, DM Waugh

The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and …, 2023

Comment on Docket No. OP-1793,’Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large Financial Institutions’

TL Hogan

OP-1793,’Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large …, 2023

Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Public Choice

RM Yonk, D Waugh

Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications, 2023

On the origins of cryptocurrencies

WJ Luther, N Sridhar

A Modern Guide to Austrian Economics, 200-215, 2022

Cash, crime, and cryptocurrencies

JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther

The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 85, 200-207, 2022

Book Review: Money and the Rule of Law: Generality and Predictability in Monetary Institutions

PC Earle

Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 24 (4), 2022

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Books for Monetary Economics

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