The best way to protect vulnerable countries and communities from some of the inevitable impacts of climate change is to up their defenses – i.e., make them rich as quickly as possible.
The two ugliest entries in America’s anti-capitalist vocabulary might be “ruthless capitalism” and “speculation.” Ruthless — or any other distasteful adjective of your choosing — capitalism is a mythical kind […]
Having lived abroad for most of the last seven years, I am painfully aware of the challenges that emerge from having incomes, assets, and costs in different currencies. Sometimes that […]
Thankfully, capitalism is not wrecking the planet. At least that’s the message in a brand-new book with the stunning title More From Less by Andrew McAfee
Being correct about events in financial markets requires you to be qualitatively correct about the direction — the “what” — as well as financing your errors about the “when.”
What angers most people about climate activists is not their goals, but their elaborate system of doublethink, their profound cognitive dissonance, and the truly fascinating ability to rationalize their own behavior.
The city of money no longer includes the best, the largest, or the most innovative banks, but finance still runs deep in Edinburgh’s blood.
Capitalism, especially seen as a system conducive to hostile takeovers, does not need saving.
In light of the yield curve signal’s inability to overperform, it seems that for most investors the takeaway is that yield curve inversions are mostly noise. Ignore them and stick to your strategy.
Gresham’s Law is not the reason why the malicious field of politics attracts particularly awful people.