Art and Culture

  • Campus Incitement

    “What does it say of such highly respected places that some of their carefully selected students are bigots who want to replicate the ‘final solution’ of Nazi Germany? This is total, complete, moral bankruptcy.” ~Walter Block and Alan Futerman

    Campus Incitement
  • DOJ Makes Our Skies Less Friendly

    “The damage done by allowing ‘anticompetitive’ mergers dissipates over time, but the benefits of erroneously prohibiting beneficial ones are lost forever.” ~Tarnell Brown

    DOJ Makes Our Skies Less Friendly
  • Teaching the Butterfly of Liberty

    “Casa Escuela is but one of many global examples of grassroots, local, civil society efforts to bypass the state educational establishment, with its bloated bureaucracy, mediocrity, and hardcore socialist thought.” ~Nikolai Wenzel

    Teaching the Butterfly of Liberty
  • Milton Friedman Was More Like F.A. Hayek Than He Likely Knew

    “While both men won the Nobel Prize in economics – Hayek in 1974 and Friedman in 1976 – economists regard the scholarly work of Hayek as differing almost categorically from that of Friedman.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

    Milton Friedman Was More Like F.A. Hayek Than He Likely Knew
  • America’s DEI Commissars Threaten Freedom

    “Today, people are told they are victims or victimizers. Victims expect the government to remedy their grievances… The pursuit of social justice would undermine equal treatment under the law.” ~Barry Brownstein

    America’s DEI Commissars Threaten Freedom
  • E Unum Pluribus?

    “A divisive diversity of special rights and special treatment for those favored by government must necessarily come at the expense of equal rights for all.” ~Gary M. Galles

    E Unum Pluribus?
  • Coats, Pencils, and Division of Knowledge

    “‘Wonder’ is not too strong a word to describe a social process that allows us to get so much bread and so much clothing for so little sweat of our brows.” ~Art Carden

    Coats, Pencils, and Division of Knowledge
  • Inflation Already Ruined Your Super Bowl Party

    “The persistent inflation of the past three years saw spikes in tickets and hotel rooms, but also in the seemingly more affordable alternative: hosting or attending Super Bowl parties at home.” ~Peter C. Earle

    Inflation Already Ruined Your Super Bowl Party
  • Mr. Jones and the Soviet Lie

    “Socialism not only hollows out economies, but also makes truth the enemy of the people. And when silence overwhelms a nation, the few who are brave enough to speak can shape history.” ~Michael Peterson

    Mr. Jones and the Soviet Lie
  • Is DEI Collapsing?

    “The pervasive cloud of weird, semi-threatening tension which swirls around a modern faculty corridor does a disservice to a long and venerable academic tradition.” ~Paul Schwennesen

    Is DEI Collapsing?
  • Markets and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    “The immutable laws of markets enabled Montgomery’s black community to use the withholding of bus fares through the organized boycott to effectively turn the city bus company into an ally for legal reform.” ~Blake Ball

    Markets and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • The Gramscian March Trips Up

    “The strategy aimed at shaping collective consciousness seems to have backfired, as the population, witnessing the institutional embrace of socialist ideologies, lost faith in the very institutions ostensibly meant to guide them.” ~Paul Schwennesen

    The Gramscian March Trips Up