The most important matter to anyone concerned with expanding freedom by limiting government is the matter of sound money. In fact the definition of sound money boils down to freedom of choice in money.
“I long have believed there are two schools of thought on our current economic crisis and its effect on the federal government’s budget. The first is that the government must […]
“By 2020, public debt in the United States is set to reach 90 percent of GDP, a line that many economists demarcate as when accumulated debt pushes an economy to […]
“Just before the First World War in 1913, the German mark, the British Shilling, the French franc, and the Italian lira were all worth about the same, and four or […]
“We’ve just passed the second anniversary of “economic stimulus” under President Barack Obama. Aside from spending on the stimulus itself—the actual price tag soon climbed from $787 billion to $862 […]
“If people individually reduce their spending, the fiscal stimulists claim that government can fill the void by spending more. This is a portrait of government spending as providing a “shot […]
“Two top Federal Reserve officials on Monday offered conflicting views on the right response to higher oil prices, kicking off what’s likely to be a lively debate within the central […]
“The Leviathan exploitation of the revenue potential of the money-creation power is a possibility that will be among those to be reckoned with in the constitutional deliberations of the citizen […]
“In the midst of the current financial crisis the economics profession has seen a monumental resurrection of Keynesian ideas. The debate, which Keynes started back in the 1930s, is being […]
It is reflected in Keynesian economics that the solution to a crisis is to expand aggregate demand. The economy is not producing at its maximum capacity; it is located inside […]
“Rather helpfully, on the Bank’s website there is an explanation of how Quantitative Easing was supposed to improve the economy. Quite clearly, the Bank explains that they purchased British Government […]
“The President’s budget is informed by his belief that government has a strategic role to play in guiding the economy. That means in some cases picking winners and losers and […]