“Professor Steve Horwitz gives a talk on Capital and Its Structure to the student of the Advanced Austrian Economics seminar in Irvington, New York.” Listen here. Mentary Equilibrium Theory Steve Horwitz Advanced Austrian Economics Via the Foundation for Economic Education. Image by renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
“How does monetary policy affect the U.S. economy? The point of implementing policy through raising or lowering interest rates is to affect people’s and firms’ demand for goods and services. This section discusses how policy actions affect real interest rates, which in turn affect demand and ultimately output, employment, and inflation. What are real interest…
Israel Kirzner presents an excellent piece on entrepreneurship for the students at the Advanced Austrian Economics seminar hosted by the Foundation for Economic Education. Given today’s regulation of financial markets and other steps taken to “prevent future problems” in the financial and monetary systems, perhaps it is worth questioning what happens to the entrepreneur when…
“This is the true and remarkable story of private coinage and banking in Britain in the early years of the Industrial Revolution (1775-1850). Making money was a business in demand. The needs of business for small denominations were changing. Merchants needed small denomination coins in copper and silver. The Royal Mint couldn’t be bothered. It…
“The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 and soon did what central banks almost always do: it started printing lots of money. During World War I the Bank of England inflated its money supply, and as a result a significant amount of gold flowed out of Great Britain to the United States in the…
“In a recent blog post, Peter Boettke argues that in reading F.A. Hayek it is important to distinguish between Hayek and Hayekianism. Because Hayek, as a lifetime learner, did not always apply his ideas as fully he possibly could have, Hayek the man was at times less willing to take the ideas as far as…
“In a recent column, Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman claimed that the government needs to have two important duties in finance. First, it must keep interest rates low; second, it must strictly regulate where the newly created money goes. Now, as one who believes that government cannot simultaneously make water run downhill and uphill,…
“The growing narrative in Washington is that a decades-long unraveling of the regulatory system allowed and encouraged Wall Street to excess, resulting in the current financial crisis. Left unchallenged, this narrative will likely form the basis of any financial reform measures. Having such measures built on a flawed foundation will only ensure that future financial…
“Early this year, it was our belief (and forecast) that the Federal Reserve would start lifting interest rates from their current level of near zero by mid-year 2010. Our view has been that 0% interest rates are too low, that the economy would be (and is) in recovery, and that inflationary pressures would continue to…
“Inflations have undermined the cultural and economic fabric of society, bringing social chaos and revolution. One example is the Great Chinese Inflation of the 1930s and 1940s. Indeed, the destruction of the Chinese monetary system during this period helped Mao Zedong’s communist movement triumph on the Chinese mainland in 1949. In the nineteenth and early…
“In the commercial, Whitacre says GM has ‘repaid our government loan in full.’ Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) noted that GM used government funds to pay back the government: It ‘simply transferred $6.7 billion from one taxpayer-funded TARP account to another.’ The government still owns 60.8 percent of GM’s common equity, and the Congressional Budget Office…
“Everything that is done by a government against the purchasing power of the monetary unit is, under present conditions, done against the middle classes and the working classes of the population. Only these people don’t know it. And this is the tragedy. The tragedy is that the unions and all these people are supporting a…