
  • A Conversation on Covid and Lockdowns: Drs. Prasad and Kulldorff

    “This wide-ranging discussion covers cell biology, virus mitigation, public health, lockdowns, and the choice between focused projection vs compulsory shutdowns and stay-at-home orders.” ~ AIER

    A Conversation on Covid and Lockdowns: Drs. Prasad and Kulldorff
  • Professor Gupta: Lockdowners Should Hang their Heads in Shame

    “AIER is pleased to offer the full transcript of this important interview with Professor Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University.” ~ AIER

    Professor Gupta: Lockdowners Should Hang their Heads in Shame
  • There Is No Such Thing as a Public Health Expert

    “Self-proclaimed public health experts are really nothing more than aspiring autocrats who happen to populate governments and academic departments. Given the lack of actual expertise or competition in those fields, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these same individuals also happen to have atrocious track records when it comes to preventing and treating disease…

    There Is No Such Thing as a Public Health Expert
  • Edward Stringham on Biden’s Proposed Tax Hikes (Video)

    AIER President Edward Stringham joins Fox Business Kennedy to discuss the repercussions of the president’s intentions to raise taxes.

    Edward Stringham on Biden’s Proposed Tax Hikes (Video)
  • The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania Is Wearing Off

    “People who can move the needle and shape opinions are finally speaking out against the failed draconian mandates, from scientists to doctors to politicians to other influential individuals, they came to the party a year late, but at least they’re here now. The repeated Chicken Little act is getting old and tiresome. Eventually, people have…

    The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania Is Wearing Off
  • Great Barrington Declaration Scientists with Gov. DeSantis in Florida

    “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, on the one-year anniversary of the lockdowns, invited back the scientists behind the Great Barrington Declaration, signed at the offices of the American Institute for Economic Research, for a roundtable on the Coronavirus and the policy response. It is exceptionally educational, and points to the reality that the lockdowners have lost…

    Great Barrington Declaration Scientists with Gov. DeSantis in Florida
  • Fauci and the Communists

    “It’s important to recall that the United States and over 100 countries initiated lockdowns exclusively because of the ‘data’ that was being transmitted out of Wuhan. It was faulty, unchallenged Chinese data, repeated by authoritative figures like Fauci and his colleagues, that convinced the world to undergo lockdowns and embrace early, aggressive ventilation of COVID-19…

    Fauci and the Communists
  • A Suddenly Soaring Stock Price Might Be Bad for Business (Video)

    “I went on Cheddar TV to discuss the risk to companies from the wild speculative buying inspired by investor chatrooms. Eventually the fundamentals have to catch up else the highs are unsustainable.” ~ Edward Stringham

    A Suddenly Soaring Stock Price Might Be Bad for Business (Video)
  • Anatomy of the Nursing Home Death Warrants

    “The buck does indeed stop with the elected leaders who made the fateful decisions to send sick COVID patients into nursing homes, lock down their states, and mask up their citizens in perpetuity, but that’s only half of the story. The bad data they used almost exclusively came from the Gates network, which has trafficked…

    Anatomy of the Nursing Home Death Warrants
  • Pandemic Policy: A Big-Picture Lecture (Video)

    “I was honored to be invited to Hillsdale College to provide an overview of my work on pandemic policy and lockdowns. Modeling played a crucial role. In that sense, pandemic policy seems to have repeated many errors that afflicted economics in decades past. This lecture assesses the predictive merit of these models and their speculative…

    Pandemic Policy: A Big-Picture Lecture (Video)
  • People Only Pretend to Practice Social Distancing

    “Never before in the history of humanity have governments imposed universal rules for how close we can get to each other in the normal course of life. Does this not trigger some sense that we are being trolled? It should.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

    People Only Pretend to Practice Social Distancing
  • Faces of Lockdowns (Part 2)

    While data, statistics, historical allusions, and appeals to morality all demonstrate the disastrous nature of lockdowns, none show the devastation as vividly as personal stories from those suffering the most. In the second part of this series, we continue our interviews with working New Yorkers and found the situation to be just as suspected: businesses…

    Faces of Lockdowns (Part 2)