A free and prosperous society requires a functioning market economy at its foundation. Using a broad array of tools drawn from price theory, public choice analysis, Austrian theory, and classical empiricism, our study of economics and economic freedom explores the underpinnings of the market system, the roots of economic prosperity, and emerging threats to the same in the public policy sphere. Our work includes the measurement of freedom and providing practical economic information for people to make better decisions.
“Damage to real wages began with Biden’s ‘Day One’ energy and regulatory Executive Orders, which reduced productivity and real GDP.” ~John Tatom
“There is simply no necessary relationship between cost and price.” ~Michael Munger
“The costs of listening to industry experts and politicians in Washington instead of consumers — and profits — have been severe.” ~Jon Miltimore
“Vagueness virtually ensures bad policies, if advancing Americans’ well-being —rather than party power — is the criterion.” ~Vincent Geloso
“The protections afforded by Loper Bright make for settled expectations that better conform to everyday notions of fairness.” ~Dan Greenberg and David McFadden
“Releasing labor from areas where machines have taken over has created many new possibilities.” ~Art Carden
“Freer economies are able to make human capital (and self-improvement) more enticing for workers.” ~Vincent Geloso
“A confused society cannot coalesce upon what a ‘fact’ even is, much less a vision of the common good.” ~Katelyn Shelton
“Humans do not obtain god-like knowledge, wisdom, or goodness by acting politically.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
Free-market electricity rests on time-honored theoretical and evidential foundations. Yet the classical-liberal alternative to heavy-handed regulation has been ignored for more than a century.
PC Earle, DM Waugh. The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and …, 2023
PC Earle, M Gulker, EP Stringham. Journal of Private Enterprise 37 (4), 2022
PC Earle. Financial History, 12-15, 2022
RM Yonk. Cato Institute, 2022
J Enninga, RM Yonk. Sustainability 15 (8), 6396, 2023
RE Wright. Business Economics 57 (2), 89-91, 2022
RE Wright. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022
RE Wright. The Independent Review 26 (4), 513-532, 2022
TL Hogan. Public Choice 191 (1-2), 105-135, 2022
M Matheis, J Sorens. Housing Studies, 1-17, 2022
J Sorens. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 53 (1), 55-81, 2023
J Sorens. Manhattan Institute, Apr 1, 2022
A Carden, V Geloso, PW Magness. Standard of Living: Essays on Economics, History, and Religion in Honor of …, 2022
P Magness, A Carden, I Murtazashvili. Available at SSRN 4318585, 2023
VJ Geloso, P Magness, J Moore, P Schlosser. The Economic Journal 132 (647), 2366-2391, 2022