Consumers have been confident about the state of the labor market in recent months. The Conference Board, a private research organization, reported on Tuesday that more consumers feel that jobs […]
One advantage for our economy of small businesses is that they form their own ecosystem where the best ideas can evolve and rise to the top. When allowed to robustly […]
Our forecast for the 2017 Social Security cost-of-living adjustment has received widespread media attention, including this piece in The Wall Street Journal, which quotes our senior research fellow, Max Gulker. […]
Kevin C. Donnelly asks: “Where does the data suggest the average American is in terms of work hours a week and wage growth less inflation, and what does that mean […]
As discussed in our recent research brief, there is a continuing debate in public policy about the use of value-added measures to evaluate teachers. While the Department of Education has […]
Inflation trends tend to evolve slowly, though individual components like energy prices or food prices can be volatile month to month. There are three key points to note from the […]
An annual deadline is approaching for a relatively new, popular provision of the tax code aimed at encouraging older Americans to make charitable donations. Under the provision, Americans 70 ½ […]
Photo by Natalia V. Smirnova Last week I attended the Council for Economic Education’s 55th Annual Financial Literacy and Economic Education Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Every year this conference gathers […]
Our index of leading indicators moved back above 50 for the first time since January, reflecting a more positive tilt to recent economic data. That’s according to our October edition […]
Yesterday, we reported our forecast that the cost-of-living adjustment to Social Security for 2017 would likely be between 0.2-0.5 percent, or $2-6 added to the average monthly Social Security payment. […]
The American Institute for Economic Research is forecasting the smallest Social Security cost-of-living adjustment since that administration began automatic annual adjustments in the 1970s. We are forecasting with 90 percent […]
A solid though not spectacular September Employment Report suggests the economy is maintaining positive momentum heading into the fourth quarter. Accelerating wage gains on top of a good pace of […]