George Gilder

Senior Resident Fellow

George Gilder is a Senior Resident Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research.

Mr. Gilder is one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past forty years and is the author of nineteen books, including The Scandal of Money and Life After Google.

Mr. Gilder is a founding fellow of the Discovery Institute, where he began his study of information theory.

  • The New Yorker “Conundrum”

    “Is it possible that The New Yorker may be entertaining doubts about its sophomoric socialism? My prophecy: The New Yorker will return to its anguished stress on climate change, which may relieve it from following up on Paumgarten’s felicitous clowns-in-government theme until the lights start going out. Meanwhile, we can return to Judy Collins’ favorite:…

    The New Yorker “Conundrum”
  • Life After Burma: The Saga of Bo Bo Nge

    “When Suu Kyi won her reelection early this year in a landslide, Myanmar’s generals had had enough. They reassumed power and on February 1 dispatched five soldiers to arrest Bo Bo at his home in Myanmar’s new capital Naypyidaw. Commented a banker in Yangon, ‘It’s a circular firing squad around here.’ Free Bo Bo! Free…

    Life After Burma: The Saga of Bo Bo Nge
  • Viruses, Lockdowns, and Biomic Learning

    “The best testimony to the success of these mutual learning processes is not only the amazing story of Taiwan. It is our very presence on the planet today, some 8 billion learning systems strong, distributed as widely as human minds and interacting everywhere to ensure the survival of learning and growth.” ~ George Gilder

    Viruses, Lockdowns, and Biomic Learning
  • We Must Choose: Liberty or Lockdown

    “So let’s stop pretending that our policies have been rational and need to be phased out, as if they once had a purpose. They should have been reversed summarily in March and acknowledged to be a mistake, perpetrated by statisticians with erroneous computer models. Instead we were subject to six months of hell, all beautifully…

    We Must Choose: Liberty or Lockdown
  • Faceless Nation

    “With one of the two major presidential tickets joined in demanding a mandatory mask rule through Election Day and beyond, this election has become a test of the face of a nation.” ~ George Gilder

    Faceless Nation
  • The New Fascism

    “Tamny is giving us a heroic book just in time to lead this movement. We have been suffering not from a medical crisis but from a political and economic and institutional crisis. We have undergone a vast breakdown of moral, educational, intellectual and journalistic standards.” ~ George Gilder

    The New Fascism
  • An Egregious Statistical Horror Story

    With the latest reports of plummeting death rates from all causes, this crisis is over. The pandemic of doom erupted as a panic of pols and is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges, covering their ifs ands and butts with ever more morbid and distorted statistics.

    An Egregious Statistical Horror Story