“So, while prominent economists were spinning their unsatisfying theories and lamenting the vicious cycle of poverty, the world got better—on its own.” ~ Jane Shaw Stroup
“Our future with electric vehicles will have some unexpected bumps in the road, too. We see some already — problems getting critical materials, attracting consumers, building a national charging network. But at least we know the federal government will be with us.” ~ Jane Shaw Stroup
“The history of these schools is so complicated and idiosyncratic that it provides a fertile field for understanding how history moves forward (in time, not necessarily making progress).” ~ Jane Shaw Stroup
“Can the Texas experience lead this nation to a better recognition of reality? Can it help politicians and administrators give priority to the concrete problems of today rather than the vague and speculative problems of the future?” ~ Jane Shaw Stroup
“This sounds awfully familiar. In fact, this pattern has been repeated a number of times in American history since the beginning of the 20th century. An innovative company springs up from nothing and dominates its field—usually a new field. Politicians become agitated and do all they can to prosecute it for monopoly behavior and if…