“I like to explore innovations that promise not violent overthrow but rather ways to undermine or circumvent unjust authorities or corrupt incumbents.” ~ Max Borders
“It’s an updated form of participatory democracy, with citizens ‘voting’ with their dollars. The fundamental difference lies in choice, as people aren’t taxed forcibly but choose to back a project or refrain.” ~ Max Borders
“Media manipulation can be understood as an attempt to shape our collective sensemaking. The manipulators conjure their egregores to push a pliant public in a direction the manipulators desire.” ~ Max Borders
“Despite too many flaws to count, my dad had a strong sense of dignity and fundamental equality. He greeted those who overstepped with a simple question that is woefully under-appreciated today: Who do you think you are?” ~ Max Borders
“Lousy information will continue contaminating the noosphere until we figure out how to incentivize truth-tracking. So it’s not just that we must set up systems that better track the truth (innovation). We must set ourselves up to better track the truth (wisdom).” ~ Max Borders
“The COVID-19 pandemic showed what can happen to a society that is being shut down in the name of saving humanity. That was but a taste of what the powerful will do if we accept the Climate Collapse Thesis and all the “action” that comes with it.” ~ Max Borders
“There is certainly a market for sound money that is hard to serve legally. Yet Cordon has proposed a way to serve that market – at least in an anachronistic sense. But those bought into the promise of cryptocurrencies, might have doubts. Cordon agreed to be interviewed.” ~ Max Borders
“When people say crypto bad, we have first to ask: what specific aspect of the cryptocurrency industry are you talking about? Then the follow-up question must always be: compared to what?” ~ Max Borders