Max Borders


Max Borders is the author of The Decentralist: Mission, Morality, and Meaning in the Age of Crypto, After Collapse: The End of America and the Rebirth of Her Ideals, and The Social Singularity: A Decentralist Manifesto.

Max is also co-founder of the event experience Future Frontiers and founder of Social Evolution, an organization dedicated to liberating humanity and solving social problems through innovation.

Follow him on Twitter @socialevol

  • My Big Cryptocurrency Pyramid Scheme

    “I like to explore innovations that promise not violent overthrow but rather ways to undermine or circumvent unjust authorities or corrupt incumbents.” ~ Max Borders

    My Big Cryptocurrency Pyramid Scheme
  • Crowdfund the Coliseum

    “It’s an updated form of participatory democracy, with citizens ‘voting’ with their dollars. The fundamental difference lies in choice, as people aren’t taxed forcibly but choose to back a project or refrain.” ~ Max Borders

    Crowdfund the Coliseum
  • Media Manipulators and their Foul Egregores

    “Media manipulation can be understood as an attempt to shape our collective sensemaking. The manipulators conjure their egregores to push a pliant public in a direction the manipulators desire.” ~ Max Borders

    Media Manipulators and their Foul Egregores
  • The Constitution Is Dead. We’re Giving Away $20,000 to Create a New One.

    “Too many intellectuals and activists play fast and loose with terms like ‘social contract,’ which is why a Constitution of Consent is one people will literally sign.” ~ Max Borders

    The Constitution Is Dead. We’re Giving Away $20,000 to Create a New One.
  • Legal Mafias and Moral Asymmetries

    “Legal doesn’t mean right. It doesn’t mean just. It doesn’t mean moral. The powerful get away with misdeeds because, for too long, we have conflated the domains. And this conflation goes all the way down.” ~ Max Borders

    Legal Mafias and Moral Asymmetries
  • There is Cosmic Wisdom in this Simple Question

    “Despite too many flaws to count, my dad had a strong sense of dignity and fundamental equality. He greeted those who overstepped with a simple question that is woefully under-appreciated today: Who do you think you are?” ~ Max Borders

    There is Cosmic Wisdom in this Simple Question
  • The Screen of Gyges

    “Lousy information will continue contaminating the noosphere until we figure out how to incentivize truth-tracking. So it’s not just that we must set up systems that better track the truth (innovation). We must set ourselves up to better track the truth (wisdom).” ~ Max Borders

    The Screen of Gyges
  • The Climate Collapse Thesis

    “The COVID-19 pandemic showed what can happen to a society that is being shut down in the name of saving humanity. That was but a taste of what the powerful will do if we accept the Climate Collapse Thesis and all the “action” that comes with it.” ~ Max Borders

    The Climate Collapse Thesis
  • What if Gold Coins Were Mated With Bank Notes? An Interview with Jeremy Cordon of Goldback

    “There is certainly a market for sound money that is hard to serve legally. Yet Cordon has proposed a way to serve that market – at least in an anachronistic sense. But those bought into the promise of cryptocurrencies, might have doubts. Cordon agreed to be interviewed.” ~ Max Borders

    What if Gold Coins Were Mated With Bank Notes? An Interview with Jeremy Cordon of Goldback
  • Crypto Bad!

    “When people say crypto bad, we have first to ask: what specific aspect of the cryptocurrency industry are you talking about? Then the follow-up question must always be: compared to what?” ~ Max Borders

    Crypto Bad!