“The FDA granted ecstasy breakthrough therapy status in 2017, expediting its process to becoming an approved treatment. Generating an approval process for other drugs like these is the next logical and necessary step.” ~Raymond Marc
“As a result of the FDA’s warning letter, the latest version of the Smart Sock no longer monitors an infant’s heart or lungs. The FDA drove parents’ best option to carefully monitor their baby’s vital organ function off the market.” ~ Raymond J. March
“The first step toward fixing it is not letting it get worse. Given the US government’s track record of harming perhaps those who need our help the most, I think it would be foolish to trust them now.” ~ Raymond J. March
“The Biden Administration granted itself three more months to prolong and extend the ratchet effect to secure more power and less freedom. Tragically, the longer government extends the crisis, the less likely they are to relinquish control.” ~ Raymond J. March
“Determining what is healthy or unhealthy is complex. Complex problems rarely have entirely right or wrong answers. The FDA is trying (again) to provide this, but there is a slim chance it will succeed.” ~ Raymond J. March
“Unfortunately, addressing inflation may be more of an incentive problem than a ‘what policy should we adopt’ problem. Examining the US’s healthcare industry through the lens of public choice economics provides evidence.” ~ Raymond J. March
“Dr. Atlas’ analysis of the US’s COVID-19 response is masterful. This book offers great explanations and evidence to clarify COVID-related misunderstandings and falsehoods. His accounts of working in DC are shocking and enlightening for readers skeptical about federal suggestions on combating the pandemic.” ~ Raymond J. March
“As the pandemic ends, there are plenty of frustrating examples of what went wrong. Let’s hope deregulation is remembered as an example of what went right.” ~ Raymond J. March
“OWS’s efforts to develop Covid-19 vaccines are often considered the crowning achievement of what went right. Unfortunately, I fear its benefits are exaggerated, and its costs are just beginning.” ~ Raymond J. March