“During the greatest public policy crisis of our lifetimes, this film chronicles what appears to be a turning point, the moment when the moral courage of a few people broke through the pro-lockdown opinion consensus. With patience and careful explanation, the panel reveals the lockdown agenda as cruel pseudoscience that has had a devastating economic,…
“By decree of an anonymous university “supercomputer,” Victoria’s Dan Andrews has opted to extend stage 4 lockdowns. This is once again stalling the economic recovery of the region and plundering the wealth and liberty of millions across the state.” ~ Taleed Brown
“This collective fight against the coronavirus, which was supposed to be two weeks to flatten the curve, has to be one of the most socially destructive impositions our country has ever faced.” ~ Taleed Brown
For the last 5 months, Americans have been bullied and punished by political elites who decided in their wisdom, to mask us, take away our jobs, depress our economic prospects, order us indoors and fine us, if we dare not comply.
“The brutalism of the initial coronavirus lockdown orders, as well as the soft extension of the quarantine disguised as “Phased Reopenings,” have put SBO’s in an inhumane position. It’s neutered their ability to attract not only patrons, but employees.” ~ Taleed Brown
You can’t mitigate a disease by destroying the people’s liberty and property. The costs of the shutdown have been unspeakably high and get worse by the day. Those costs must be considered alongside those of Covid-19 itself.
Protectionism with the twist of #COVIDー19 is a very toxic combination, especially in the medical supply trade. When there is a shortage of medical supplies, going out of our way to make them more expensive will hurt people.
In a shockingly short period of time, life in the US went from normal and happy to uncertain and essentially terrifying. The economic impact of both the virus and the […]
At a recent hearing on Paid Family Leave before the House Oversight and Reform Committee, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., thought herself brave and appropriate to harangue the only free-market witness […]
Bastiat sometimes voted with the right and sometimes with the left. He was loved and loathed by both sides.