“One of the reasons we travel, and interact with people different from ourselves, is that we need to remember that things we take for granted could be done differently, and maybe improved.” ~ Michael Munger
“These thinkers are united by their devotion to understanding the institutions which underpin free and flourishing societies. They both understood that society’s “rules of the game” structure the incentives that economic actors face and downstream of these incentives lie the economic outcomes—for better or for worse.” ~ Caleb Fuller
“President Trump — and your supporters — lay off Twitter, and the other tech media platforms. All politicians of every political party should stop attacking the media and declare their support for the First Amendment.” ~ Raymond Niles
“The World of Warcraft Corrupted Blood outbreak (2005) is only an accurate simulation of how fantasy game players respond to a virtual epidemic.”~Peter C. Earle
“Ideologues have no patience with nuances…It’s ‘go vegan’ or ‘go home.’ It doesn’t matter much what the facts are, as long as The Cause is advanced.” ~ Joakim Book
Data will be pouring in for many months and years: suicides, overdoses, domestic abuse, and every manner of social pathology. For years we will be left with the question of why. It’s too early for final answers, but the question will haunt us for the rest of our lives.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker
“We are able to lead fuller and richer lives thanks to the global division of labor, and the “basic” life skills about which so many people fret are, it turns out, not so basic after all.” ~ Art Carden
“The contrast between 1968 and 2020 couldn’t be more striking. They were smart. We are idiots. Or at least our governments are.” ~Jeffrey Tucker
This post appears in the interest of the general principle that no one can be always serious all the time. What you have here is an example of the brilliance and creativity of decentralize media. And it does serve as a viable replacement for a full month of news.
The world in which we presently live, unfortunately, demonstrates that we are still far from fully being those human beings developed in their character and senses of right and wrong to properly understand and defend our own freedom and that of others, as well.
While a few courageous governors have refused to order lockdowns or massive business closures, most Americans remain locked in what appears to be a giant Milgram experiment testing how far they are willing to go down an increasingly irrational path, egged on by authority figures whose unconstitutional dictates need not be followed.