“To pretend that you can have all the riches of the modern world and eliminate the ability for anyone to become wealthy is a sure sign of someone who has no understanding of how all this wealth was generated in the first place.” ~James Hartley
“Jefferson understood that those who cannot even control themselves should hardly seek to control others.” ~Barry Brownstein
“A confused society cannot coalesce upon what a ‘fact’ even is, much less a vision of the common good.” ~Katelyn Shelton
“It’s incumbent upon ESG critics to advocate an alternative vision, not merely to fall in line with convention.” ~Russell Greene
“Full reliance on a public budgeting system for providing access to medical care is a certain prescription for millions of disappointed patients.” ~James C. Capretta
“An obvious set of perverse incentives simply stimulate more risk-taking by corporate management and investment firms in the future, resulting in even bigger future bailouts down the road. At a certain point this strategy of holding the wolf by the ears will become untenable.” ~Richard Morrison
“From a high of almost 35 percent after World War Two, the poverty rate had already fallen to 19 percent in 1964. It continued its downward trend over the next few years, then has stagnated between 10 percent and 15 percent ever since.” ~Nikolai Wenzel
“Even under this supposed solution to a market failure, we’re getting less public goods than we get shafted for. Like many other well-intentioned public finance policies, in time they turn into pure money grabs.” ~Joakim Book
“The math of 2 percent compound shrinkage demonstrates that the Fed wants to depreciate the dollar’s purchasing power by 80 percent in each average lifetime. Somehow the Fed never mentions this.” ~Alex Pollock
“Mass movements attract followers who fail to make meaning in their lives, and seek a borrowed meaning from a destructive leader.” ~Barry Brownstein
“Economists often get lost in abstractions…By coming to terms with himself, Glenn Loury gains a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the same communities in which he was raised.” ~Michael N. Peterson
“The conversational tone is excellent for the wide audience he intends — those skeptical of economists and economics — and it’s easy enough to follow along his clear prose even for those without prior training in our arcane arts. ” ~Joakim Book