
  • Coronavirus and the Perils of Disease Modeling

    “Computer models and simulations have fed fear and enlivened tyranny. Many millions of people in the real world continue to suffer and, indeed, die under pandemic policies wrought by the output of iteratively-run code.” ~ Peter C. Earle

    Coronavirus and the Perils of Disease Modeling
  • The Power of “No”

    “Once we abandon a false and failed zero-sum worldview and realize just how much abundance is available for everyone, we will embrace winning friends, influencing people, and recognizing others’ right to say ‘no’ to any offer.” ~ Art Carden

    The Power of “No”
  • Review of Steven Horwitz, Austrian Economics: An Introduction

    “Austrian Economics: An Introduction is a very useful and accessible summary of what we know about this simple but powerful paradigm. Teachers and students alike would benefit from consulting it.” ~ Art Carden

    Review of Steven Horwitz, Austrian Economics: An Introduction
  • In Praise of Evasive Entrepreneurs

    “Evasive Entrepreneurs is a welcome contribution that provides great insights into the regulatory process and the need to protect permissionless innovation. For Thierer, innovation matters because it feeds the engine of economic growth and plays a key role in expanding liberty. But, as he concludes, ‘we will only attain that goal by vociferously defending the…

    In Praise of Evasive Entrepreneurs
  • The Indispensability of Economics

    “When we see the potential of freely interacting individuals, economic understanding becomes necessarily built on hope. Hope about innovation, mutual agreement, peace, and prosperity. When people are left to their own devices and the rulers of society are held accountable, this is what results.” ~ Ethan Yang

    The Indispensability of Economics
  • The Essential Joseph Schumpeter: An Easy and Accessible Introduction to an Important and Complex Thinker

    “Joseph Alois Schumpeter made enduring and important contributions that have stood and will continue to stand the test of time. The Essential Schumpeter is a useful introduction to the man and his ideas, and both the text and the accompanying videos will serve students, instructors, and interested lay people very well.” ~ Art Carden

    The Essential Joseph Schumpeter: An Easy and Accessible Introduction to an Important and Complex Thinker
  • David Goodhart’s Road to Somewhere

    “Goodhart frequently emphasizes that the trends in opinion that he reports are not figments of his imagination, but real opinions held by real people. That much seems accurate, and as a description of British political beliefs, his book makes useful contributions. He has failed to show why the fact that some people are convinced by…

    David Goodhart’s Road to Somewhere
  • Entrepreneurship and the Human Experience

    “Economics should not be viewed as a clean and sterile science that seeks to chart the world with equations. Rather it should seek to understand the oftentimes chaotic and messy nature of the market driven by the grit and wit of entrepreneurs.” ~ Ethan Yang

    Entrepreneurship and the Human Experience
  • HG Wells on the Partnership Between Viruses and Humans

    “Let not the billions before us, who battled nature not only with their hands and minds but their immune systems, genetic variations, and other evolutionary adaptations, have lived in vain.” ~ Peter C. Earle

    HG Wells on the Partnership Between Viruses and Humans
  • Rothbard’s Challenging History of the Revolutionary War and the Constitution

    “In short, one does not have to share Rothbard’s opinion about the undesirability of the Constitution to find his interpretation of what actually happened illuminating. Whether you think that the Constitution was a mistake, that it was a good idea, or that it didn’t do enough to empower government, you will still encounter reliable, engaging,…

    Rothbard’s Challenging History of the Revolutionary War and the Constitution
  • The Metaphysics of Lockdown, According to Albert Camus

    “This drastic, clean-cut deprivation and our complete ignorance of what the future held in store had taken us unawares; we were unable to react against the mute appeal of presences, still so near and already so far, which haunted us daylong. In fact, our suffering was twofold; our own to start with, and then the…

    The Metaphysics of Lockdown, According to Albert Camus
  • “The Most Brilliant Economic Journalist Who Ever Lived”: A Birthday Appreciation of Frederic Bastiat

    “Bastiat was one of the nineteenth century’s most eloquent defenders of liberty and dignity, and Joseph Schumpeter was clearly right to describe him as “the most brilliant economic journalist who ever lived.” He has heirs, but no equals.” ~ Art Carden

    “The Most Brilliant Economic Journalist Who Ever Lived”: A Birthday Appreciation of Frederic Bastiat