“The FTC argues that Amazon’s market power inhibits the ability of competitors to enter the retail superstore marketplace. Such concerns are likely overblown.” ~David Gillette and Warren Barge
“The failure of numerous banks at once can damage the economy, as bank failure waves did during the Great Depression, the Savings and Loan crisis in the 1980s, and the 2007-10 meltdown.” ~Robert E. Wright
“Where there is collective bargaining, workers go on strike to demand higher wages in order to catch-up to inflation. Elsewhere in the economy, individual workers bargain for higher wages with their current employer, or begin searching for better-paying jobs.” ~Clifford Thies
“As the US strives to enhance its economic freedom, the country would be wise to heed the lessons offered by Singapore’s rise and Hong Kong’s fall.” ~Vance Ginn
“As social scientists we remain alert for and open to cogent, economically-sound and well-reasoned hypotheses pertaining to the current state of the economy. Presently, though, our expectation of a US recession on or before August 2024 remains undeterred.” ~Peter C. Earle
“Patent restrictions, a deliberate oligopoly, protectionist tariffs, and the highest inflation in four decades have resulted in an extremely expensive product at the end of a frangible production process and supply chain.” ~Peter C. Earle
“The benign-sounding Credit Card Competition Act is a double whammy. It’s not just a threat to my credit card rewards; It’s a violation of my libertarian principles.” ~Jon Miltimore
“Despite some improvements since the apparent peak 13 months ago, consumers and businesses are still contending with 31 months of above-trend rising prices.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“In summary, and with the caution that should attend social science empirics: a weakening US job market on top of the increasingly encumbered financial circumstances of many US citizens renders the continuation of robust consumption doubtful.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“Almost every imaginable economic indicator was sharply affected by the pandemic. But in just the past year, both college enrollment and teenage labor force participation show signs of what may be to come.” ~ Edward Lopez and Kevin Lavery
“State ‘incentive’ packages do more than pay companies the difference in costs. Politicians have every reason to pay up to, and beyond, the entire economic benefit to the state, because their calculus counts costs as benefits.” ~ Michael Munger
“Is humanity worse off because we listen to Song A instead of Song B, read this great book instead of that one? Have we tragically lost some grand human experience? Probably not.” ~ Joakim Book