Free Markets

  • Free Enterprise, Not Free Tuition

    Making college free would be a big mistake, but there are ways to help people that combine the power of free markets, the strength of communities, and the value of a good education.

    Free Enterprise, Not Free Tuition
  • The Burden of Proof Needs to Change

    If something is wrong in society, whom should be charged with fixing it? Today, there is a presumption that government should be.

    The Burden of Proof Needs to Change
  • Changing the World Requires Patience

    The conditions have to be right to change the world. It takes men and women of great courage and patience. But it can happen. We owe everything to those in the past who have been willing to take that difficult road and dare to both dream and act on those dreams.

    Changing the World Requires Patience
  • Three Undeniable Problems with Anti-Gouging Laws

    Anti-Price Gouging Laws are either useless or harmful.

    Three Undeniable Problems with Anti-Gouging Laws
  • An Education in One Evening, Courtesy of Jordan Peterson

    Politics promised to give us a meaningful life. It failed. Now we have to find it elsewhere. As the poet Virgil led Dante through Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell, Jordan Peterson is the tour guide of the modern world in its confrontation with our inner selves.

    An Education in One Evening, Courtesy of Jordan Peterson
  • Kaepernick’s Cause Means Something to the Market

    You might observe that this is the free market’s way to co-opt the anti-racist movement on behalf of capitalist profits. But maybe that’s not a criticism. Maybe that’s a way to get the message out and make it more culturally operational.

    Kaepernick’s Cause Means Something to the Market
  • The Good Guys are Winning This

    The flourishing of commerce means the flourishing of everything we call civilization.

    The Good Guys are Winning This
  • How to Destroy the Value of Work and Property

    Overstating how misinformed, unrealistic, and just plain wacky are the economics that underlie these proposals of Sens. Warren and Sanders is impossible. Also impossible to overstate is the amount of damage that enactment of these proposals would inflict on the American economy.

    How to Destroy the Value of Work and Property
  • The History and Future of Liberalism

    Jeffrey Tucker was on this interview with Dave Rubin. Part 2 covers the history of Right Hegelianism and it is coming up. Part 1 here covers the history and meaning of liberalism. 

    The History and Future of Liberalism
  • This Is What Happened to Social Media

    The social-media world of the future will not be centralized. It will take many different forms, and the replacement for Facebook is not likely to be a copy. It will be something else entirely, and we can see this already happening. This realization will force us all to come to terms with a reality of…

    This Is What Happened to Social Media
  • Aretha Franklin’s Individualist Art

    When it comes to meaningful change, that type of cultural shift that really dissolves the blindfold created by collectivism, there’s nothing more effective than art.

    Aretha Franklin’s Individualist Art
  • Your Ticket to Capitalism Is Free

    The consumer surplus that we derive from buying water, and other items, is enormous, almost incalculable.  The fact that all of these products, services, and useful things are available to us at low prices seems automatic, nothing very interesting or important. In fact, the capitalist system operating in the background is performing miracles of production,…

    Your Ticket to Capitalism Is Free