“Traditional supermarkets have been losing a great deal of market share to those excluded from that definition.” ~Gary Galles
“Every now and then we encounter a problem that does have a solution. The kidney shortage is one of these problems.” ~Don Boudreaux
“There is simply no necessary relationship between cost and price.” ~Michael Munger
“Releasing labor from areas where machines have taken over has created many new possibilities.” ~Art Carden
Free-market electricity rests on time-honored theoretical and evidential foundations. Yet the classical-liberal alternative to heavy-handed regulation has been ignored for more than a century.
“Consumers would be better served if companies could spend more time on improving their services and less on fending off litigation.” ~Noah C. Gould
“I’ve never encountered a protectionist of any stripe who explains why the jobs preserved by protectionism have a higher non-material or ethical importance than do the jobs destroyed by protectionism.” ~Donald Boudreaux
“From a high of almost 35 percent after World War Two, the poverty rate had already fallen to 19 percent in 1964. It continued its downward trend over the next few years, then has stagnated between 10 percent and 15 percent ever since.” ~Nikolai Wenzel
“Chipotle leadership could try the risky option of waiting out the bad PR, but the brand may not be willing to take that risk. It’s not expensive for customers to switch to a Chipotle substitute.” ~Andrew den Boggende and Thomas Savidge
“Facing price controls, taxes and tariffs on food in Cuba, and it shouldn’t be surprising that food markets are increasingly becoming distorted, shortages are frequent, and people remain impoverished.” ~Byron B. Carson, III
“Some people truly value restrictive land-use governance. They should be able to impose these strict rules on themselves, so long as they leave their non-consenting neighbors alone.” ~Jason Sorens
“The FDA’s gatekeeping of e-cigarettes through regulations has drastically reduced the number of legal e-cigarettes to choose from. The FDA so far has only approved devices owned by Big Tobacco.” ~Peter Clark