
  • From British Tea to Russian Vodka; A Brief History of Boycotts

    “From government bans to customers pouring it in gutters by the gallon, Americans are saying ‘nyet’ to Russian vodka, expressing their anger over the Kremlin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.” ~ J. Mark Powell

    From British Tea to Russian Vodka; A Brief History of Boycotts
  • The Other Great Debate

    “Nowadays it is difficult to pick a ‘side’ between Paine and Adams. Whichever man one’s political persuasions may favor, the country is undoubtedly a heterodox agglomeration of their ideas.” ~ Garion Frankel

    The Other Great Debate
  • Americans Need a COLA, not a Coke

    “With inflation now high and trending higher, with no end in sight, American workers, and their employers, need to bring COLAs back, arguably out of fairness to workers but really out of efficiency.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Americans Need a COLA, not a Coke
  • Healing Democracy from the Bottom-Up

    “Freedom builds on mankind’s intense yearning for connection. The solution to our fragmented democracy will more likely emerge bottom-up from civil and market society, rather than top-down through politics.” ~ John O. McGinnis

    Healing Democracy from the Bottom-Up
  • Antonio Martino: A Legacy of Liberalism

    “He always encouraged and appreciated people who were, so to say, “classical liberal extremists” (including, a long time ago, the present writer). His favorite political philosopher was Anthony de Jasay, whose book The State he loved. That says something.” ~ Alberto Mingardi

    Antonio Martino: A Legacy of Liberalism
  • A Tale of Two Squeezes

    “Securities and derivative exchanges are woefully far from free markets, worst of all when unrestrained pricing is needed most. And once again, the increasingly distant tendrils of pandemic policies are disrupting the present order, two years on.” ~ Peter C. Earle

    A Tale of Two Squeezes
  • The Value of Federalism for Our Freedom

    “Lovers of liberty and freedom need to rediscover the force of federalism in resisting the ever-growing reach of centralized political determination, which is tyranny, even if it is tyranny of the majority.” ~ Gary M. Galles

    The Value of Federalism for Our Freedom
  • Why Declare War?

    “Due to overzealous delegation and the erosion of an important Constitutional check, people can die, the nation’s reputation can be sullied, and fortunes can be lost, or made, without the real democratic accountability afforded by formally declaring war.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Why Declare War?
  • After the Romanovs: A Review

    “Read Rappaport’s excellent book to develop a better sense of why they did what they did, and what became of the people who helped shape the Russia of old. What a story.” ~ John Tamny

    After the Romanovs: A Review
  • Like Carter, unlike Coolidge

    “It is time we looked past the obscurity and calumny that has been thrown over Coolidge’s record and ideas so that we can rediscover his wisdom. In doing so, the vast shortcomings of the Biden administration become even clearer.” ~ Gary M. Galles

    Like Carter, unlike Coolidge
  • If Bernard Mandeville Is Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld Is Adam Smith

    “The relationship between Seinfeld and David has received more ink and attention than the one between Mandeville and Smith. That said, we would not have had a ‘Seinfeld’ without a Larry David. Would we have had a Smith without a Mandeville?” ~ Garret Edwards

    If Bernard Mandeville Is Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld Is Adam Smith
  • Government Greed

    “Perhaps the biggest fail of them all is that many Americans whose real incomes are declining but whose nominal incomes have increased will be forced on 15 April to pay higher real taxes. Come to think of it, government isn’t greedy. It’s rapacious.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Government Greed