“Trump’s plan is a disaster from the perspective of cost, incentives, and value neutrality.” ~Vanessa Brown Calder
“Price indexing will remove about 80 percent of the unfunded liability gap over the next 75 years, if instituted in 2029.” ~David Rose
“Many lawmakers in DC make resolutions to be more fiscally responsible, but much like our New Year’s resolutions, they rarely follow through.” ~Thomas Savidge
“Individuals who we don’t know and who don’t know us seek to gain our trust so that they can then gain open-ended access to our wealth.” ~Don Boudreaux
“Dollars allocated for gender reassignment surgeries cannot be spent on food stamps, border security, or anything else.” ~Jon Miltimore
“By the Harris Greed Theory, corporations became increasingly greedy from June 2020 to June of 2022, and then became less greedy over time.” ~David Rose
“Damage to real wages began with Biden’s ‘Day One’ energy and regulatory Executive Orders, which reduced productivity and real GDP.” ~John Tatom
“Vagueness virtually ensures bad policies, if advancing Americans’ well-being —rather than party power — is the criterion.” ~Vincent Geloso
“Benefits are contingent, and the contingencies — no jobs, no marriage — are detrimental to women long term, and disturbingly similar to the restrictions a polygamist would impose.” ~Michael Munger
“Full reliance on a public budgeting system for providing access to medical care is a certain prescription for millions of disappointed patients.” ~James C. Capretta
“College football fandom is a microcosm of the problem of a political economy. It shows that people are willing to pay a price to make their enemies suffer.” ~Art Carden
“As the DNC has just demonstrated so well, a host of rhetorical abuses can find a foothold in offering so many freedoms but so little liberty.” ~Gary M. Galles