“Individuals who we don’t know and who don’t know us seek to gain our trust so that they can then gain open-ended access to our wealth.” ~Don Boudreaux
“Tax and spending reform takes more than ‘electing the right people.’ It must be politically profitable for the wrong people to make the right choices.” ~Thomas Savidge
“Sellers see fewer dollars from their sales while dealing with time-consuming headaches. Buyers see higher home prices.” ~Paul Mueller
“When ‘unity’ means government policies will substitute for choices we would make for ourselves, it means domination, even though we do not want to be dominated.” ~Gary Galles
“Not so long ago in America it was considered rude to ask anyone other than one’s inner social circle which positive moral actions they undertook. But it now happens every second of every day.” ~David Rose
“Stoller and Quintero may well be right that home-builder concentration does reduce housing supply and raise costs, but it hasn’t been proven yet, and it’s at best a minor factor compared to the zoning restrictions.” ~Jason Sorens
“It is possible to reduce tax evasion without sending armed IRS agents to kick in doors or confiscate assets. The ten reasons given above provide some guidance to creating a tax system most people would voluntarily support.” ~Robert W. McGee
“Wealth taxes tend to yield low revenue, while dragging down economic growth. But they do make for good politics, especially in election years; envy commands votes.” ~Nikolai Wenzel
“Some people truly value restrictive land-use governance. They should be able to impose these strict rules on themselves, so long as they leave their non-consenting neighbors alone.” ~Jason Sorens
“The idea of ‘line up!’ is deeply ingrained in most of us, to the point where we are angry if someone ‘cuts’ in line ahead or, for that matter, behind us.” ~Michael Munger
“Because rent control will become part of the tax code, Democrats will be able to use the budget reconciliation process to enact it into law. That allows them to skirt the filibuster.” ~Jason Sorens
“The question of whether the government could tax the defendants’ unrealized gains — a common device in what are often called ‘wealth taxes’ — seemed to be teed up. But Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who wrote the majority opinion, avoided it.” ~GianCarlo Canaparo