“These efforts to increase Congressional oversight are unlikely to depoliticize the Fed. Indeed, they are likely to make matters even worse.” ~ Nicolás Cachanosky
“If environmental zealots in the Biden administration were to get their way, then something would have to answer the call for such a huge increase in electricity demand. Do they have an answer for this challenge?” ~ Jon Sanders
“Production is a means; consumption is the end. The consumer-welfare standard is nothing more, nor less, than an understanding and acceptance of this fundamental economic reality.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“There is no plausible case to be made that for us Americans to improve our comparative advantages we need government to protect us from foreign competition.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“Unlike market participants guided by prices, politicians and administrators literally have no reliable information to guide them. They will therefore be guided exclusively by their own biases and hunches.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“The lesson of Southwest Airlines’ debacle is not that it was ‘dumb’ or ‘shortsighted.’ Rather, it should make all of us think more deeply about the opportunity costs and benefits of small, or marginal changes in this efficiency-resiliency tradeoff.” ~ Craig J. Richardson
“Overzealous regulation of pilot credentialing (by Congress, rather than carriers, insurers, or other stakeholders) have ensured the budget-conscious and the small-town traveler will both be getting a lot less service from airlines.” ~ Laura Williams
“Before, rolling blackouts were a California problem, then they also became a Texas problem. Blackouts are spreading faster than even Imperial College London modelers would find believable.” ~ Jon Sanders
“No matter what virtue-signalers claim, we would be shooting ourselves in the foot by trying to mitigate the effects of industry on the environment by reversing technological advancement.” ~ Jason Reed
“Removing sand from the country’s collective transportation gears will also require more imaginative solutions such as congestion pricing, privatization, zoning reforms, and transportation options beyond cars.” ~ Colin Grabow
“The political proposals will be flashy and brief. The market forces making every chip, and powering our modern world, operate on a much longer timeline. ” ~ Laura Williams
“The only jobs protected are those in the politically favored companies whose inefficiencies are protected from competition at the expense of other domestic jobs lost and higher prices on consumers.” ~ Brian Balfour