A new NBER working paper uses bank-level financial and county-level agricultural data to show how risky lending might amplify the boom and bust.
Tuesday’s outcome was good for the freedom to consume and not to be jailed for your consumption choices.
When people think about Halloween, they think about candy, children in costumes, and scary decorations. I think about all these things too, obviously, but I find myself thinking also about sugar subsidies.
A federal job guarantee would be monumentally expensive, return only limited value from the participants’ work, entail administrative challenges nearly impossible to solve, and be potentially disastrous for economic growth and the private labor market.
“It seems almost impossible to rein in government. It keeps growing in size and scope in one direction after another. Why? And is there any way to reverse it?” ~ Richard Ebeling
Google wasn’t truly afraid of reputational damage, as it reigns supreme as the top search engine online. What it feared was that this data-breach problem would put it face to face with Congress.
Government subsidies and regulations are usually a mess. Each rule or payment might have its own laudable goal in a vacuum. But in many industries, aided by politics and corporate lobbying, the laws pile up on each other, twisting markets until economic logic seemingly doesn’t apply.
Many people assume that to raise wages, big companies must be dragged along by government policy. Amazon’s eye-opening announcement yesterday suggests otherwise.
How many times have you had to hold your nose when voting for a candidate because you hate their views on some issues but agree with them on issues you find more important? This is the familiar problem of bundling.
No matter how good legislators’ intentions are, and no matter how much money government spends, government “solutions” are very likely to fall short of solving most of the problems they’re sold as solving. Indeed, often the result is disastrous.
The idea that Facebook will now have access to even more private information from its users may bother those who believe that what they disclose to a private organization should stay between the two of them, not between them and the government.
Particular laws can be undesirable, and legislation often serves useful purposes. Nevertheless, legislation is not law. So the common habit of using “law” and “legislation” as synonyms sows much confusion.