
  • The Fake Signature Canard

    “As the data show, the lockdowners’ troll campaign accounted for almost half of the fake submissions – the very definition of an attempt to manufacture a news story. While they likely thought they scored an internet victory of some sort by cynically deflecting attention away from the disastrous public health effects of their own botched…

    The Fake Signature Canard
  • What’s Behind The WHO’s Lockdown Mixed-Messaging

    “Tedros aligned himself not with democracies and their fundamental principles but with an autocratic dictatorship, the same dictatorship that helped him assume power within the WHO. Together, using logical fallacies and pseudo-science, they betrayed international law governing human rights, the WHO’s own stated principles, and committed crimes against humanity on a massive scale.” ~ Stacey…

    What’s Behind The WHO’s Lockdown Mixed-Messaging
  • Lockdowners Speak with Privilege, and Contempt for the Poor and Working Class

    “Undoubtedly, Gonsalves is an excellent scientist, but his opinions about the course of action we should take in response to the coronavirus have nothing to do with his professional qualifications, and everything to do with his political views. To the extent that he has attempted to smear Bhattacharya, Gupta, and Kulldorff as acting to further…

    Lockdowners Speak with Privilege, and Contempt for the Poor and Working Class
  • Harford Brings Statistics To The Masses

    “I share Harford’s deep commitment to figuring out what’s true. His calls for keeping an open mind, for being curious about scientific questions, results, and numbers, for carefully noticing your emotions on a topic – all supremely useful advice from which most of us can benefit. Abandoning or doubting all statistics you encounter is not…

    Harford Brings Statistics To The Masses
  • Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading

    “The book, while scary and disheartening, is truth-seeking and ultimately optimistic. Ritchie doesn’t come to bury science; he comes to fix it. ‘The ideals of the scientific process aren’t the problem,’ he writes on the last page, ‘the problem is the betrayal of those ideals by the way we do research in practice.'” ~ Joakim…

    Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading
  • How To Secede from the Biology Wars

    I don’t really care who started this war. It’s a war that no one can win.

    How To Secede from the Biology Wars