AIER has submitted amicus curiae briefs to the New Hampshire Supreme Court in the combined cases Rand v. State and ConVal v. State. We took this step because our economic […]
“Many lawmakers in DC make resolutions to be more fiscally responsible, but much like our New Year’s resolutions, they rarely follow through.” ~Thomas Savidge
“Wealth inequality does seem to be growing, but wealth is growing for the bottom 50 percent too, not just the top.” ~Jason Sorens
“The best way to address unfair trade practices is not through blanket tariffs but by expanding trade with allies and non-hostile nations.” ~Vance Ginn
“Tax and spending reform takes more than ‘electing the right people.’ It must be politically profitable for the wrong people to make the right choices.” ~Thomas Savidge
“Treating cryptocurrencies like property for tax purposes discourages people from using them like monies.” ~Gerald Dwyer
“Under the guise of a new form of conservatism, this faction argues for increased government intervention in the economy, protectionist measures, and the strengthening of monopoly labor unions.” ~Vance Ginn
“Now is not the time to add even more spending to future taxpayers’ tab. The very Americans whom the Harris plan seeks to help — children — are the ones who will ultimately face the burden of repaying it in the form of higher taxes and dampened economic growth.” ~Kevin Corinth
“New Hampshire is the most fiscally decentralized state in the country, with about two-thirds of the total tax burden being municipal…Households have a lot of choice about where to live, and they exercise it.” ~Jason Sorens and Judge Glock
“The debt problem is a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Research shows that raising taxes covers barely a fraction of the outstanding debt.” ~Thomas Savidge and Ryan Yonk
“Protectionist subsidy of American EV producers necessarily diverts resources away from other industries in the US. What is the value of the production that declines in America because of EV protection?” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
“When dealing with public policies, however, we should remember that using just one diagram may still be misleading. More than one incentive story or relationship is usually in play.” ~Gary M. Galles