
  • The Threats Posed by Environmental, Social, and Governance Policies

    This AIER Paper seeks to educate citizens and investors about the substance of ESG and the kinds of problems it has created, providing the interested reader with a variety of sources to study ESG in greater depth.

    The Threats Posed by Environmental, Social, and Governance Policies
  • A Free, Prosperous and Secure America

    This paper holds that free trade generally enhances US national security, while economic nationalist or neo-mercantilist policies tend to undermine it. Trade liberalization does not guarantee harmony between states.

    A Free, Prosperous and Secure America
  • Unbundling Zoning

    Will zoning powers inevitably be abused, and would they be reconstituted in some other form if zoning were abolished? Evidence and theory both suggest that private land-use governance could be a non-exclusionary substitute for zoning, but transaction costs in setting up alternatives to zoning are significant.

    Unbundling Zoning
  • Coolidge’s Silent Recipe for Success: Less Federal Government

    “Politicians in 2024, however, embrace a very different principle: the necessity of government intervention in private affairs. Regardless of the party or the candidates, the automatic answer seems to be bigger and, most worryingly, more invasive government.” ~Luis Carlos Araujo Quintero

    Coolidge’s Silent Recipe for Success: Less Federal Government
  • Mortgage Rates Are Likely To Decline In the Near Future

    “Not that long ago, the real rate on Treasury bills was negative. The real rate on Treasury securities is temporarily high due to the Federal Reserve’s policy goal of lowering the inflation rate.” ~Gerald P. Dwyer

    Mortgage Rates Are Likely To Decline In the Near Future
  • AIER’s Everyday Price Index Sees First Decline in 2024

    “In June, US inflation slowed to its lowest rate since 2021 primarily due to a significant deceleration in housing costs. June data bolsters the likelihood of rate cuts, potentially beginning in September.” ~Peter C. Earle

    AIER’s Everyday Price Index Sees First Decline in 2024
  • Money First, People Last? 

    “Higher corporate tax rates will bring about exactly what people like Senator Hawley fear: the control of the market in the hands of a few key players by means of force.” ~Thomas Savidge

    Money First, People Last? 
  • Sen. Cassidy Sounds Alarm on Union Policies Crushing the Free Market

    “What’s good for Big Labor is often quite inconsistent with what’s good for small businesses and their workers. From labor laws to healthcare costs, these Biden initiatives could impose heavy financial burdens and reduce the operational flexibility that America’s entrepreneurs’ owners rely upon for survival.” ~ Thomas Stratmann

    Sen. Cassidy Sounds Alarm on Union Policies Crushing the Free Market
  • The End of Restaurants as We Know Them?

    “If accelerating US unemployment registers the impact of contractionary monetary policy measures on the broader economy, the current difficulties faced by the restaurant sector are likely to escalate.” ~Peter C. Earle

    The End of Restaurants as We Know Them?
  • Overpopulation: An Ancient Myth Refuted 

    “The innovation required to sustain an ever-increasing world population demands economic and personal freedom. Collectivism and central planning will only restrict the human ingenuity, ideas, and enterprises that will pave the way toward a brighter, more prosperous future.” ~Aidan Grogan

    Overpopulation: An Ancient Myth Refuted