
  • Policy Uncertainty Drives Economic Volatility

    “Regulations often have significant compliance costs and operational challenges. The regulatory burden can stifle innovation and deter investment, particularly in industries struggling with economic headwinds.” ~Vance Ginn

    Policy Uncertainty Drives Economic Volatility
  • Arguments Against Markets

    “Those of us who want to keep government small and strictly limited — and, hence, who want individuals to make whatever peaceful choices they wish — are far outnumbered by individuals who distrust markets to deliver enough of the goods to enough of the people.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

    Arguments Against Markets
  • Chin Scratchers Bias Flame Throwers

    “Frank Bruni has reached the phase in life where the young activists of his own team are alarming him with their crusading zeal and over-the-top methods.” ~Rachel Lu

    Chin Scratchers Bias Flame Throwers
  • Schedule F vs. Reality 

    “Reforming the administrative state and rewriting statutes and regulations is hard work, requiring careful policymaking, talented people, and consensus-building. It’s not the product of gimmicks like Schedule F and databases of inexperienced people.” ~Thomas A. Firey

    Schedule F vs. Reality 
  • Business Conditions Monthly April 2024

    “The road ahead remains uncertain, though, with potential outcomes ranging from a slow, steady economic rebalancing to sluggishness or even a recession.” ~Peter C. Earle

    Business Conditions Monthly April 2024
  • There’s No Good Reason to Raise the Inflation Target

    “Why not give the central bank a wider berth, if it helps to stabilize the economy? Because it doesn’t actually help. Interest rates are a distraction.” ~Alexander W. Salter

    There’s No Good Reason to Raise the Inflation Target
  • Want Better Higher Ed? Get the Feds Out 

    “Market-like responses to dissatisfaction with schools are heavily muted by subsidies. The Biden administration is working for wide cancellation of student debt, which would squelch even these limited market forces.” ~Neal McCluskey

    Want Better Higher Ed? Get the Feds Out 
  • The Magna Carta’s Constitutional Tradition

    “While not perfect by any means, the Magna Carta was the first example of a bloodless revolution in which the rule of law and rights in contracts lead to the advancement of civilization.” ~Will Sellers

    The Magna Carta’s Constitutional Tradition
  • Foot Voting Reconsidered: How Should I Think About Leaving?

    “Compared to ballot voting, moving has larger individual impacts, which mean greater incentives to acquire knowledge; it provides a better signal to both the country you’re leaving and the one you’re joining.” ~Joakim Book

    Foot Voting Reconsidered: How Should I Think About Leaving?
  • Conserving the Conversation 

    “The best defense of economic freedom rests not on statistics calculated yesterday, but rather the enduring knowledge of human nature at the heart of Western civilization.” ~Michael Lucchese

    Conserving the Conversation