The Sound Money Project was founded in January 2009 to conduct research and promote awareness about monetary stability and financial privacy. The project is comprised of leading academics and practitioners in money, banking, and macroeconomics. It offers regular commentary and in-depth analysis on monetary policy, alternative monetary systems, financial markets regulation, cryptocurrencies, and the history of monetary and macroeconomic thought.
“Excessive government spending makes us less productive than we otherwise would be, resulting in a permanently lower level of employment and output.” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“Climate-related innovation does not seem to pose a unique risk to the financial system. And lenders have a long history of adapting to technological innovation.” ~ Bryan Cutsinger
“Fed officials may worry that the disinflation process has stalled. For this reason, the latest data likely increases uncertainty about the future course of monetary policy.” ~ William J. Luther
“A wide range of outcomes are still possible for 2023, ranging from stagflation to a ‘soft landing.'” ~ Thomas L. Hogan
“Politicians on the left would like us to believe inflation is caused by greedy corporations. And some academics are all too happy to provide them with theoretical cover.” ~ William J. Luther
“As a ‘dark horse’ candidate, Ramaswamy has a greater burden of proof before the electorate. He needs to prove his policy proposals are a cut above his rivals’.” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“In principle, the Fed has the ability to provide liquidity to the banking system while simultaneously reducing the incentives banks have to make loans.” ~ Bryan Cutsinger
“The CEA’s argument would result in a failure on an introductory microeconomics exam. One expects better from a team of professional economists.” ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson
“The Fed says it created BTFP to ‘support American businesses and households.’ But those businesses and households will ultimately be on the hook if the Fed’s risk-taking turns out to be too much.” ~ Nicolás Cachanosky
“In March, the median FOMC member projected the federal funds rate target would close the year above 5.0 percent. But the federal funds futures market is pricing in better-than-even odds that the target rate is less than 5.0 percent following the September meeting.” ~ William J. Luther
“Ramaswamy’s arguments reveal he is unfamiliar with the ins and outs of monetary policy. His suggestions are poorly motivated and won’t result in a stronger economy. He’ll need to do better if he wants to rein in the Fed.” ~ Alexander William Salter
“We need to do two things to clean up this mess: unshackle the economy and shackle the administrative state. Bureaucrats and their political enablers can’t be trusted to curb their ambitions, so we must do it for them.” ~ Alexander William Salter