“A smart, strong, John Marshall-type chief justice, as opposed to a weasley Taney-like one, would have used the Texas case to clarify the problem of state negative externalities vis-a-vis presidential elections. How many state and federal laws and constitutions can be violated before somebody has the authority to do something about it, and what, precisely,…
“What is to be done? We have to keep the promise of liberty, especially of voluntary association and competitive markets, alive and remember that no matter how bad things get, the solution to most of our problems, radically smaller government and greatly increased economic freedom, can always be implemented tomorrow, one way or another.” ~…
“The shares of ESG companies will get wicked expensive as more and more money piles into them. At that point, with the expectation of low returns on ESG and high ones on ‘wicked’ stocks, virtue investors and ESG fund managers will have to eat palpably lower returns or creatively reclassify ‘wicked’ companies to get higher…
“It surely is not enough to throw together a paper that is 95% statistical mumbo-jumbo, and with a firm conclusion that impacts on an earth-shaking election that is only three days away. Scientific integrity requires much more than coming to a politically correct conclusion with a made-for-media conclusion.” ~ Robert Wright