Robert E. Wright

Robert E. Wright is the (co)author or (co)editor of over two dozen major books, book series, and edited collections, including AIER’s The Best of Thomas Paine (2021) and Financial Exclusion (2019). He has also (co)authored numerous articles for important journals, including the American Economic ReviewBusiness History ReviewIndependent ReviewJournal of Private EnterpriseReview of Finance, and Southern Economic Review. Robert has taught business, economics, and policy courses at Augustana University, NYU’s Stern School of Business, Temple University, the University of Virginia, and elsewhere since taking his Ph.D. in History from SUNY Buffalo in 1997. Robert E. Wright was formerly a Senior Research Faculty at the American Institute for Economic Research.

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  • Boiling Mad

    “Only liberty can restore the vibrancy of our dreams and end the vicious cycles of violence that have too long permeated many of our communities.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Boiling Mad
  • All I Want for Christmas Is Some Sanity

    “Asking Santa for full rationality this Christmas would be to request too much, like Eartha Kitt does in ‘Santa Baby’ when she begs the jolly old elf for a sable, a platinum mine, checks, and a bunch of other luxuries. I would be thrilled with just some sanity in humanity’s stockings.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    All I Want for Christmas Is Some Sanity
  • The State Negative Externality Problem

    “A smart, strong, John Marshall-type chief justice, as opposed to a weasley Taney-like one, would have used the Texas case to clarify the problem of state negative externalities vis-a-vis presidential elections. How many state and federal laws and constitutions can be violated before somebody has the authority to do something about it, and what, precisely,…

    The State Negative Externality Problem
  • The Problem of Systematic Corruption

    “What is to be done? We have to keep the promise of liberty, especially of voluntary association and competitive markets, alive and remember that no matter how bad things get, the solution to most of our problems, radically smaller government and greatly increased economic freedom, can always be implemented tomorrow, one way or another.” ~…

    The Problem of Systematic Corruption
  • The Hype Surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing

    “The shares of ESG companies will get wicked expensive as more and more money piles into them. At that point, with the expectation of low returns on ESG and high ones on ‘wicked’ stocks, virtue investors and ESG fund managers will have to eat palpably lower returns or creatively reclassify ‘wicked’ companies to get higher…

    The Hype Surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing
  • Fragile and Unsustainable Lies

    “Just as a fiat currency can quickly lose value through the self-interested actions of market participants, so too can lockdowns dissolve. In fact, in both cases governmental attempts to bolster its Lie (that its monetary policies or lockdowns work) will serve to speed the inevitable. If policymakers do not take the ‘Thanksgiving Rebellion’ as a…

    Fragile and Unsustainable Lies
  • Getting Covid Is Not a Crime

    “As states begin to lock down/lock up again, our choice remains clear: one simple, tried and true rule that respects individual rights and liberties, or myriads of oppressive rules that work at cross purposes and are certain to be mocked now and in the future.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Getting Covid Is Not a Crime
  • Who to Believe? What to Believe?

    “The real world is complex and most of us do not have the information, or the information processing capabilities, to make sense out of much of it. So instead of jumping on intellectual bandwagons and opining that Y is the best color, or masks work because … they do!, or somebody on TV says so,…

    Who to Believe? What to Believe?
  • Trump’s Rallies Killed People? It’s Fake Science

    “It surely is not enough to throw together a paper that is 95% statistical mumbo-jumbo, and with a firm conclusion that impacts on an earth-shaking election that is only three days away. Scientific integrity requires much more than coming to a politically correct conclusion with a made-for-media conclusion.” ~ Robert Wright

    Trump’s Rallies Killed People? It’s Fake Science
  • US v. Lopez Voids the National Mask Mandate

    “The Founders, like the rest of us, were flawed, their rationality bounded by the assumptions of their times, when gentlemen and statesmen would never stoop so low as Biden appears ready to do in his brazen attempt to follow ‘the’ scientists but not ‘the other’ scientists.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    US v. Lopez Voids the National Mask Mandate