Robert E. Wright

Robert E. Wright is the (co)author or (co)editor of over two dozen major books, book series, and edited collections, including AIER’s The Best of Thomas Paine (2021) and Financial Exclusion (2019). He has also (co)authored numerous articles for important journals, including the American Economic ReviewBusiness History ReviewIndependent ReviewJournal of Private EnterpriseReview of Finance, and Southern Economic Review. Robert has taught business, economics, and policy courses at Augustana University, NYU’s Stern School of Business, Temple University, the University of Virginia, and elsewhere since taking his Ph.D. in History from SUNY Buffalo in 1997. Robert E. Wright was formerly a Senior Research Faculty at the American Institute for Economic Research.

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  • The Great LARP

    “Even more distressingly, 2020 is getting even deadlier. Violence, even murder, has increased of late, portending a potential shift from civil war games to actual civil war. And of course our civil liberties and what little fiscal and monetary discipline the federal government had left also died in 2020.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    The Great LARP
  • Unmasking Masks

    “As the sundry shelter-in-place orders inevitably gave way, the same government officials who bade our faces to go bare in March and April replaced them with mask mandates. Although less detrimental to the economy than lockdowns, masking may turn out to be even more deadly.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Unmasking Masks
  • Entrepreneurship May Die Too

    “America’s saving grace may be that most of the rest of the world, even Anglosphere countries like Australia and New Zealand, screwed up even worse. But the biggest threat was never a mass exodus of entrepreneurs, it was the loss of entrepreneurship itself.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Entrepreneurship May Die Too
  • Let’s Follow the History of Science Instead

    “A politician who really had the public’s interest at heart would, instead, say: ‘Times are tough. Some Americans have died from a natural cause and more are likely to. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do because viruses live by their own rules, not ours.'” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Let’s Follow the History of Science Instead
  • Terrible Policies Possess Both Virulence and Prevalence

    “We have civilization and prosperity not because we are smart but because we permit the freedom to cooperate toward building smart social and economic institutions.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Terrible Policies Possess Both Virulence and Prevalence
  • So Long Independence?

    “America might not become Amerika or the American Reich solely because of the 2020 euthanasia of its proprietor class, but an important check on extremism is fading fast, a fact apparently lost on its self-absorbed political class.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    So Long Independence?
  • The Latest Investment Fad Is Unsustainable

    “Just as Greens can destroy the environment, corporate social responsibility can wreck society while tricking ESG investors to feel good about themselves in the process.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    The Latest Investment Fad Is Unsustainable
  • Your State Matters More Than You May Think

    “While employment regulation may seem like a long way from communism, the point is that the federal government does not stand on the slope at all, regardless of subjective perceptions of its slipperiness. The safety ropes that remain at its disposal, like the interstate commerce clause, are only as effective as the will and skill…

    Your State Matters More Than You May Think
  • The Sordid History of Scam Science

    “We have to return to teaching people how to research and think for themselves and not just mindlessly jump on #bandwagons while falling for gross rhetorical tricks.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    The Sordid History of Scam Science
  • How Much Should You Sell Your Vote For This November?

    “All that can be said for certain is that in most states it is now quite possible to do so and that the masked stranger does not even have to work for a political party or candidate. In fact, vote buying solves problems for donors by ensuring maximum effect for each dollar spent and by…

    How Much Should You Sell Your Vote For This November?