“We should want to live in a society where we recognize one another’s right to say ‘no, thank you’ to an offer — that is to say, a world where people take orders instead of give them.” ~Art Carden
“The institutional and social checks on majoritarian power are eliminated creating an opportunity for dictatorship, and lifetime rule and enrichment through graft.” ~G. Patrick Lynch
“The right to free speech is indeed indispensable, but it appears that those who believe otherwise may have already found bigger fish than Facebook and X to act as their censorship surrogates.” ~Jon Miltimore
“Chinese policy ignores the reality that Tibetans care more about their own distinctive culture, history, and identity than they care about expressing loyalty to Beijing. Perhaps this is what is most galling to China’s leaders.” ~Christopher Lingle
“This book an accessible guide to understanding the ‘once insurgent but increasingly entrenched ideology’ that has inflicted upon society a culture of alienation, fear, resentment, revenge, hostility, and polarization.” ~Habi Zhang
“This movie that routinely appears on ‘best British film’ lists impressed me with its entertainment value, but even more with how relevant its message has become in 2024.” ~Paul McDonnold
“Instead of taking two percent (say) of the liquidated value of the wealth, the state would simply take ownership of the wealth, in place… In a relatively short time, the government literally takes substantial ownership of all successful private businesses.” ~Michael Munger
“Woke-friendly corporations, billionaires, foundations, and individuals with impressive foreign ties are demonstrating the effectiveness of funding campus radicals…echoing similar anti-Western, violent hate-marches throughout Europe and elsewhere.” ~Juliana Geran Pilon
“Evidence…cannot be challenged by opposing counsel and are highly classified. This has resulted in the drone-like ‘rubber stamping’ of warrantless surveillance conducted without oversight or challenge.” ~Spence Purnell
“What happens to a country with no constitution or deep-seated commitment to curbing the use of power? Absent those limits, virtue wanes, and it is easy for people to become servants of tyranny.” ~Barry Brownstein
“Net Neutrality isn’t so much about creating a better Internet as much as a key step toward an Internet under government control.” ~Jon Miltimore
“Like National Socialist youth, individual rights mean nothing to young people today. The loss of talented people with different opinions was a plus for the Nazis.” ~Barry Brownstein