We face a mixed picture for the recovery of competitive federalism.
“Vagueness virtually ensures bad policies, if advancing Americans’ well-being —rather than party power — is the criterion.” ~Vincent Geloso
“The protections afforded by Loper Bright make for settled expectations that better conform to everyday notions of fairness.” ~Dan Greenberg and David McFadden
“Benefits are contingent, and the contingencies — no jobs, no marriage — are detrimental to women long term, and disturbingly similar to the restrictions a polygamist would impose.” ~Michael Munger
“Sellers see fewer dollars from their sales while dealing with time-consuming headaches. Buyers see higher home prices.” ~Paul Mueller
“When ‘unity’ means government policies will substitute for choices we would make for ourselves, it means domination, even though we do not want to be dominated.” ~Gary Galles
“As the DNC has just demonstrated so well, a host of rhetorical abuses can find a foothold in offering so many freedoms but so little liberty.” ~Gary M. Galles
“The debt problem is a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Research shows that raising taxes covers barely a fraction of the outstanding debt.” ~Thomas Savidge and Ryan Yonk
“Even under this supposed solution to a market failure, we’re getting less public goods than we get shafted for. Like many other well-intentioned public finance policies, in time they turn into pure money grabs.” ~Joakim Book
“The question of whether the government could tax the defendants’ unrealized gains — a common device in what are often called ‘wealth taxes’ — seemed to be teed up. But Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who wrote the majority opinion, avoided it.” ~GianCarlo Canaparo
“The innovation required to sustain an ever-increasing world population demands economic and personal freedom. Collectivism and central planning will only restrict the human ingenuity, ideas, and enterprises that will pave the way toward a brighter, more prosperous future.” ~Aidan Grogan