“Over the years, millions of mothers and fathers have expressed their views by voting with their feet. And Census Bureau data plainly show that parents, when they have a choice, prefer not to have their kids educated in states where government union officials wield the most clout.” ~ Stan Greer
“On February 1st 2022 the US national debt surpassed $30 Trillion for the first time – just as the Fed is preparing a hiking campaign. Political decisions to trade the future for the present tempt further assaults upon the ever-declining soundness of the US dollar.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“Fortunately, especially for the regular people who would stand to suffer the most under a politicized Fed, there were enough conservatives to band together to block Trump. Will there be enough principled liberals to sanction Biden?” ~ Daniel J. Smith
“An evolutionary lens isn’t just a corrective for how to live in the 21st century and how to understand our modern predicaments. It also teaches you how markets work, what constraints reality puts on us, and how to consider outcomes you don’t like.” ~ Joakim Book
“The Fed already lost credibility by missing its stated inflation target, and the nomination of partisan actors such as Cook would further throttle its credibility.” ~ Phillip W. Magness & David Waugh
“The Fed’s poor forecasting record should make us skeptical of its ability to effectively manage the money supply in times of economic turmoil. It would be prudent to consider structural reforms that might improve FOMC’s decision-making process.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan
“Price controls are a bad idea. But support for them appears to be growing. They are a terrible tool for dealing with inflation. They make no effort to reduce nominal spending. And they exacerbate supply constraints.” ~ William J. Luther
“The fact that PPP was poorly thought through, recklessly implemented and administered, and ended up benefiting those who are least likely to need it is, for politicians and bureaucrats, a feature, not a bug.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“At this stage, two things seem pretty clear: Inflation is high and will likely remain above target for a few years. My own view is that the FOMC is painting a rather rosy picture, and that market expectations provide a better guide for estimating inflation.” ~ William J. Luther
“Competition both contributes to, and relies upon, the modern economy’s enormous and largely unseen complexity. The modern economy can well be described as ever-increasing complexity in the service of ever-more simplicity.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux