
  • It’s Always about Fear.

    “Government endangers us, and does not deserve our trust. But now, just pointing out that danger…makes us terrorists. This is only possible because of the decades-long sacrifice of liberty to fear.” ~ Laura Williams

    It’s Always about Fear.
  • Walter Williams: A Legacy of Liberty

    “Professor Williams’ research shows how powerful the concept of liberty is, and how it should remain a strong tool as America continues to race on its mission to provide opportunities for people around the world.” ~ John Sibley Butler

    Walter Williams: A Legacy of Liberty
  • Government’s Deficiencies Reveal What No Government Should Do

    “Herbert Spencer saw representative government’s infirmities as limitations on government’s ability to do what it had no business doing, but not for its one essential role of defending rights from trespass.” ~ Gary M. Galles

    Government’s Deficiencies Reveal What No Government Should Do
  • Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

    “The only question left is: What kind of society do you want your children to inherit? The good times are over. The hard times are coming. We need strong people like Tricia Lindsay to remind us it’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” ~ Max Borders

    Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
  • In Respectful Disagreement with Alex Salter

    “While Alex is correct to note that cross-border trade doesn’t ensure against belligerence, it almost certainly does make such belligerence more costly and, hence, less likely. We abandon such trade at our peril.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

    In Respectful Disagreement with Alex Salter
  • Worshiping Authority Leads to Tyranny: Five Lessons from North Korea

    “America’s ‘soft’ crushing of inquiry is far removed from North Korea’s brutal totalitarian dystopia. Yet, lessons from North Korea are warning signs. Why would we go further down this path when North Korea is a living example of the mindset that generates such a hell?” ~ Barry Brownstein

    Worshiping Authority Leads to Tyranny: Five Lessons from North Korea
  • How Government Meddling Ruined Higher Education, Part 1

    “There is no need whatsoever for government to provide, subsidize, or control education. The United States would be a far better educated country if government had kept entirely out of education. Unfortunately, it did not.” ~ George Leef

    How Government Meddling Ruined Higher Education, Part 1
  • Convoy!

    “The convoy protestors want freedom from senseless, unscientific Covid restrictions and mandates and freedom from a ruling class that ignores their own rules and treats everyday Canadians with derision and disrespect.” ~ Robert E. Wright

  • Re-Working Supply Chains Requires Thinking Differently

    “What is obvious is that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work – it doesn’t work for marketing, it doesn’t work for management, it doesn’t work for industries and risk mitigation, and it certainly doesn’t work for supply chain management.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson

    Re-Working Supply Chains Requires Thinking Differently
  • Biden Administration: Incompetent, Naïve, or Desperate?

    “Dealing with the Ukraine crisis might prove impossible for a president who is incompetent, naïve, and desperate. Buckle up, as the fabled (though probably faux) Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times,’ comes true.” ~ Doug Bandow

    Biden Administration: Incompetent, Naïve, or Desperate?
  • Do We Have A Climate “Crisis” Only Because We’re So Comfortable?

    “It’s sad that creating an increasingly comfortable world isn’t a grand enough battle to capture human attention and spirit. But as always in politics, we must take humans as they are, not as we wish they were.” ~ James E. Hanley

    Do We Have A Climate “Crisis” Only Because We’re So Comfortable?
  • Scapegoating Inflation Will Only Make It Worse

    “For the sake of the economy and your grocery bills, let’s hope the administration’s threats of antitrust and price controls are not serious. If the administration really wants to tackle inflation, it needs the Fed to rein in its reckless monetary policy. ~ Kat Dwyer

    Scapegoating Inflation Will Only Make It Worse