
  • The Empirical Case for a Mask Mandate Lacks Scientific Grounding

    “Americans rapidly adopted masks last summer and have continued to use them at consistently high rates ever since. Adding a new national mask mandate on top of this practice will bring little if any additional benefit to what voluntary adoption already achieved, though it may foster a false hope in the exaggerated claims of an…

    The Empirical Case for a Mask Mandate Lacks Scientific Grounding
  • New Study Indicates Lockdowns Didn’t Slow the Spread of Covid-19

    “Perhaps there is a sort of heroic romanticism about flexing the muscles of the state to stop a fearsome enemy that makes lockdowns so attractive. The only problem with this is that we are dealing with reality, and society is not a playset.” ~ Ethan Yang

    New Study Indicates Lockdowns Didn’t Slow the Spread of Covid-19
  • A Pandemic Reading List for Left, Right, and Libertarians

    “Pandemic responses will continue to serve as a convenient rationale for government interventions in the future. Anyone who has a concern for human liberty and prosperity should armed with intellectual ammunition to combat this huge increase in government power. We need more than ideological instincts here; to fully understand, we need to be aware of…

    A Pandemic Reading List for Left, Right, and Libertarians
  • Study Indicates Lockdowns Have Increased Deaths of Despair

    “Regardless of whether they think lockdowns work, policymakers must be cognizant of the fact shutting down society also leads to excess deaths. Whether it’s from the government policies themselves or the willful compliance of society enforcing the soft despotism of popular hysteria, social isolation is taking its toll on the lives of many.” ~ Ethan…

    Study Indicates Lockdowns Have Increased Deaths of Despair
  • What They Said about Lockdowns before 2020

    “Significant present-day evidence continuously demonstrates that mass quarantine is both ineffectual at preventing disease spread as well as harmful to individuals. Learning the wrong lesson – assuming that mass quarantines are both good and effective – sets a dangerous precedent for future pandemics.” ~ Amelia Janaskie & Micha Gartz

    What They Said about Lockdowns before 2020
  • Lockdowns Don’t Prevent Coronavirus Spread

    “What the new study from Northern Jutland shows is that an extreme form of lockdown didn’t work in one of the most law-abiding societies in the world. Why, then, should we expect lockdowns to be effective anywhere else?” ~ Joakim Book & Christian Bjørnskov

    Lockdowns Don’t Prevent Coronavirus Spread
  • The Abuse of Science in the Corona Crisis

    “The role of science must not be the one of state religion in pre-Enlightenment times: in the present case as in all the other previous cases, there is no knowledge that can be employed to justify a central state planning of society that overrides the freedom of individuals and their constitutional rights.” ~ Michael Esfeld

    The Abuse of Science in the Corona Crisis
  • How the White House COVID Task Force Sank the Trump Presidency

    “For reasons that remain unclear, Fauci, Birx, and the gang remain on the COVID Task Force, and to this day, the White House is still delivering corona panic to states across the nation. The Task Force will live on, and to the not-so-hidden delight of its members, President Trump is president no more.” ~ Jordan…

    How the White House COVID Task Force Sank the Trump Presidency
  • New Study Links Lockdowns to Potential Long-Term Increases In Excess Deaths

    “Regardless of your position on lockdowns, addressing the economic damage these policies have created is just as important to preventing excess death as containing the virus. Failing to heed this lesson will simply be fighting one disease by creating another.” ~ Ethan Yang

    New Study Links Lockdowns to Potential Long-Term Increases In Excess Deaths
  • Should the US Have Been More like Pacific Countries?

    “Those wishing to use Australia as a ‘model’ for the United States would be wise to investigate other causes besides lockdowns that explain their differences. They may also soon find that some of those causes are not only incapable of being replicated elsewhere – they also defy the same experts’ pretenses of actually controlling what…

    Should the US Have Been More like Pacific Countries?
  • Study Highlights Blinding Moral Bias Against Questioning Lockdowns

    “Covid-19 will come and go but the actions we take will have lasting consequences. Keeping our feelings in check will not only allow us to make smarter decisions, but walk out of this not being ashamed of how we treated each other.” ~ Ethan Yang

    Study Highlights Blinding Moral Bias Against Questioning Lockdowns
  • Lockdowns are Killing Young Adults

    “Like so many instances before, another top medical journal has now contributed to the widespread dissemination of incomplete and misleading scientific inferences. Our news media then predictably seized on the same faulty conclusions and shoehorned them into a political narrative that confirmed their own pro-lockdown ideological commitments.” ~ Phillip W. Magness

    Lockdowns are Killing Young Adults